Monday, February 04, 2008


Monday February 4, 2008 NEW YORK GIANTS SUPERBOWL CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!!!! 17-14 over New England! No undefeated season for New England!!!!! It about time somebody beats them!! New England been cheating all year with Game Films. They finished 16-1. I am so happy the NY GIANTS WON!!!!! WHAT A GREAT GAME THAT WAS, RIGHT DOWN TO THE WIRE!!!!!!!!!! I HAD IT ON 2 PLACES HERE IN MY ROOM, ON MY ROOM TV AND ON MY BIG COMPUTER! THE FOOTBALL/BASEBALL COACH CALLED ME ON SUNDAY. HE COMING TO TAKE ME TO THE WESTMONT/ JOHNSTOWN PEE WEE HOCKEY GAME AT 6:20PM TUESDAY NIGHT!!!! HOPEFULLY HE DON’T DRINK TOO MUCH THAT NIGHT. I ALWAYS WORRY THAT MAN DRINKS TOO MUCH BEER. I WILL BE ANNOUNCING IT AND IT WILL BE ON TAPE DELAY AT 9:30PM AFTER THE HIGH SCHOOL DOUBLEHEADER! BACK ON THE MICROPHONE DOING PEE WEE HOCKEY! CAN’T WAIT! THANKS TO ATLANTIC BROADBAND AND TO WJAC CHANNEL 6 NBC FOR THEIR CAMERA CREW FOR ALL THESE SPORTS EVENTS. SHOULD BE A FUN TIME ON TUESDAY NIGHT. BEFORE I CAME, ATLANTIC BROADBAND HAVE NEVER DONE HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS LIVE OR ANY OTHER SPORT EITHER. HE IS ALSO TAKING ME TO EBENBURG ON FEBRUARY 23RD FOR ANOTHER GAME AT 8:00AM IN THE MORNING!!!! 6 more weeks of Winter. Awful News. The Groundhog saw his shadow on Saturday Morning. Did you wake up early to see the Groundhog? I woke up at 7am to watch it and also woke up to listen to my Buddy Jody Mac who was on 1050am in NEW YORK on a weird shift, 6am to 10am! Watched the Super Bowl on Sunday night! That was a great game! Did you watch that? We had HOT DOGS At Halftime in the Rec. Hall! Worked from 12:30pm to 11pm on Sunday! LONG DAY! Typed Accounting Notes on my LAPTOP All weekend while watching everything here in my room! How are you? How was your weekend? What did you do all weekend? Are you tired of this COLD WEATHER Like I am? I miss not going for walks outside. Can’t wait to go on walks on a regular basis again! Another week of the PA HOUSE! Another week talking about Property Taxes. On Tuesday at 11:30am GOVERNOR ED RENDELL GIVES HIS 2008 BUDGET ADDRESS ON THE HOUSE FLOOR! I Will be watching the Budget Address! I WATCH EVERY MINUTE OF THE PA HOUSE! THEY WILL RETURN AT 1:00PM ON THIS AFTERNOON!!!!! Only 1 Trip this week. Bowling on Thursday night. I am glad everybody at Nazareth is ok. Last Thursday there was a note in the bathroom at Nazareth. That must have been a scary thing. I saw on the news at another school, a Teacher made a threat against the school. What is wrong with these people? PEOPLE ARE NUTS. My Schedule for this week: Monday February 4: 9:01am to 9:55am Payroll Accounting 11:00am Price is Right 11:30am LUNCH 12:45pm to 1:30pm PT Therapy 1:55pm to 2:48pm Cost Accounting 3:03pm to 3:56pm Cost Accounting LAB 4pm Jody Mac 7pm HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL ON 850AM 10pm WYLN NEWS AT 10PM 10:50pm Close Rec. Hall Tuesday February 5: 9:01am to 9:55am Auditing 11:06am to Noon Payroll LAB 1:00pm to 1:45pm OT Therapy 1:55pm to 2:48pm Medical Law and Ethics 8:05am to 8:59am Recordkeeping 1 9:01am to 9:55am Auditing 11:06am to Noon Payroll LAB 1:00pm to 1:45pm OT Therapy 1:55pm to 2:48pm Medical Law and Ethics 3pm Jody Mac 6pm GO WITH THE FOOTBALL/BASEBALL COACH TO THE WESTMONT/JOHNSTOWN PEE WEE HOCKEY GAME AT THE CAMBRIA COUNTY WAR MEMORIAL 10pm WYLN NEWS AT 10PM 10:50pm Close Rec. Hall Wednesday February 6: 9:01am to 9:55am Payroll Accounting 10:10am to 11:06am Recordkeeping 11:00am Price is Right 11:30am LUNCH 12:45pm to 1:30pm PT Therapy 1:55pm to 2:48pm Cost Accounting 3:03pm to 3:56pm Cost Accounting LAB 4pm Jody Mac 6pm HBB ON RCN4: Notre Dame vs Southern Lehigh 7pm HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL ON 850AM 8pm HBB ON RCN4:Catty vs Nothern Lehigh 10pm WYLN NEWS AT 10PM 10:50pm Close Rec. Hall Thursday February 7: 9:01am to 9:55am Auditing 11:06am to Noon Payroll LAB Noon LUNCH 1:00pm to 1:45pm OT Therapy 1:55pm to 2:48pm Medical Law and Ethics 3:00pm to 3:56pm Auditing Lab 4pm Jody Mac 6pm RCN SPORTS TALK ON RCN4 7:50pm BOWLING 11pm BED Friday February 8: 9:01am to 9:55am Payroll Accounting 11:00am Price is Right 11:30am LUNCH 1:55pm to 2:48pm Cost Accounting 3pm Jody Mac 6pm HBB ON RCN4: 8pm HBB ON RCN4: 8pm HBB ON AM 1470 WSAN: 10:50pm Close Rec. Hall Saturday February 9: 9am Wakeup 9am LEAVE IT TO BEAVER 9am SPORTS SATURDAY ON SUNNY 1100AM 10am Jody Mac 10:15am 69 Sports Show 1pm Glen Mac 1pm WOMEN BASKETBALL ON RCN4: Holy Cross at Lafayette 1pm DESALES WOMEN BASKETBALL ON 1470 WSAN 3pm DESALES MEN BASKETBALL ON 1470 WSAN: 3:30pm MEN BASKETBALL ON 1100AM: Lafayette at Holy Cross 7pm WRESTLING ON PCN: TEAM FINALS AT HERSHEY 10:50pm Close Rec. Hall Sunday February 10: NO SPECIAL OLYMPICS TODAY 9am WAKEUP 9am LEAVE IT TO BEAVER 10am Jody Mac Noon LUNCH 12:35pm REC HALL OPENS 1PM Nascar on FOX: Daytona 500 Qualifying 4:30pm NFL ON FOX: PRO BOWL GAME IN HAWAII RELAX ALL AFTERNOON AND TYPE ACCOUNTING NOTES 10:50pm Close Rec. Hall Starting this morning, I will be on the PHONE On the Bearman and Keith from 7:40am to 8:20am on Mondays and Fridays on 95.1 FM WZZO!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Weave back on the Air!!!!!!!!!!! Can’t wait to get back on the air!!!!!! They are great people on WZZO Back in the Lehigh Valley!! I used to be on with them 4 years ago and then stopped because I moved out here to Johnstown but now will be back on the air! Songs of the day: Big Girls don't cry Chasing Cars What hurts the Most Hurt Who Says you can't go home Bad Day Home Suddenly I see Breathe 2am How to Save a Life It My Life No more Cloudy Days God Bless USA Crazy Beautiful You're Beautiful Everything Hero Irreplaceable NAZARETH NUMBER 1 FAN! Another E-mail Wednesday! Stay Safe!!!!!!!!!!!!!! R.I.P. COURTNEY DIACONT GRANDMA WEAVER JAMIE LINTZ JOHN VUKOVCICH KRISTEN BENNY PARSONS DEREK KEHOE JOSH HANCOCK Joe Schneider Frank Klepeisz Mary Mutchler Jene Flick Frank Jenny Jennifer Jacksits See you Wednesday! Ladies Man! PA House Man! Nazareth Number 1 Fan! Weave!!!!!!! See you Wednesday Everybody! A FULL HOCKEY REPORT ON WEDNESDAY! GOOD LUCK TO NAZARETH WRESTLING TUESDAY NIGHT! THEY WRRESTLE QUAKERTOWN ON TUESDAY NIGHT AT FREEDOM. MY HEART WAS BEATING SATURDAY NIGHT WHEN NAZARETH WAS WINNING WITH 2 BOUTS TO GO AGAINST NORTHAMPTON! I REALLY THOUGHT NAZARETH WAS GOING TO PULL OFF A BIG UPSET OVER NORTHAMPTON! NORTHAMPTON 31 NAZARETH 23 BE CAREFUL IN THIS WEATHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take Care!!!!!!!

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