Monday, December 31, 2007

Monday December 31

Monday December 31, 2007
Last Day in 2007!
Another year gone!
What a year this have been.
We must remember all the people we have lossed this year: Jamie Lintz, My Grandmother, Courtney Diacont, Jene Flick and this past weekend we lossed a good fellow name Frank Jenny passed away on Saturday at 75.
Way too many Deaths this year.
Happy New Year!
What are you doing for New Years?
Any drinking?
I hope not!
Will you watch the Ball Drop?
I will watch Dick Clark on ABC Monday Night!
What will you be doing?
Have a Great New Year!!
Be Safe!
Don't Drink but do have Fun!
How was your weekend?
What did you do all weekend?
I hope my buddy Keith Groller is winning a lot of money right now in Las Vegas!
Wednesday I will get all 300 people back on my e-mail network and can't wait for that!
Time is ticking here at home and time away from kids.
Final 5 days here at home. I am leaving to go back to Johnstown this comming Sunday Morning!
I am doing great!
Had a fun weekend here!
Friday night at 7:00pm Announced College Women Basketball on the Big Ten Network!
Saturday I went to watch my High School Wrestling Team in a tournament at Freedom High School and was there from 10:30am to 2:15pm and then ate Dinner at Long Johns Silvers and came home and at 8:00pm I announced the NFL Football Game: New England at the NY Giants on CBS AND ON NBC! That was pretty fun! Off and on I peeked in on the Penn State Football game as they won 24-17 over Texas A@M. Did you watch that game?
Did you watch New England go 16-0 Saturday night? That was pretty amazing!
The Eagles finished their season on Sunday 8-8 with a 3 game win streak. Better Luck next Year!
Sunday at NOON Announced NBA BASKETBALL ON MY 9: Chicago at NY Knicks and at 5:00pm announced Flyers Hockey on Comcast and at 8pm announced College Wrestling on the Big Ten Network!
I can't wait to see all the old friends (GIRLS) on Sunday! Most of them are comming back on Sunday like I am! Monday I will sleep to 10am since there are no classes!
I Talk to all of them on the computer almost everyday!
I am scheduled to work alone on Sunday the 6th from 3pm to 11pm as my boss has off!
The PA Farm Show starts Saturday!
I love watching that every year!
My Schedule for this week:MONDAY DECEMBER 31: NEW YEAR’S EVE 10am Wakeup 11am Radio Show 1pm Announce the Lehigh at Penn State Men Basketball Game on the Big Ten Network 6pm Johnstown Chiefs Hockey on the Internet 7:30pm Announce College Football: AUBURN VS CLEMSON ON ESPN10pm Announce the 76ers at Seattle NBA Basketball Game on Comcast 11:30pm Watch Dick Clark’s New Year Eve on ABC 12:45am BED
TUESDAY JANUARY 1: NEW YEAR’S DAY 8am Wakeup 9am Announce the 2008 Mummers Day Parade on MYPHIL 17 11am College Football on ESPN: TENN. VS WISCONSIN 1pm College Football on ABC: MICHIGAN VS FLORDIA 8:30pm Announce College Football on FOX: HAWAII VS GEORGIA 10:30pm BED
WEDNESDAY JANUARY 2: 10am Wakeup 11am Radio Show 6pm Go to the Whitehall at Nazareth Wrestling Match 10pm Announce Wrestling on RCN4: Northampton at Parkland 10:30pm BED
THURSDAY JANUARY 3: 10am Wakeup 11am Radio Show 6pm Go to the Whitehall at Nazareth Basketball Game 9pm Announce College Football on FOX: V.T. VS KANSAS 10:30pm BED
FRIDAY JANUARY 4: 10am Wakeup 11am Radio Show 7:30pm Announce the Northampton at Whitehall H.S. Basketball Game on RCN4 7:30pm Johnstown Chiefs Hockey on the Internet 10:30pm BED
SATURDAY JANUARY 5: 10am Wakeup 10:15am 69 Sports Show Noon Announce College Football on ESPN2: RUTGERS VS BALL STATE Noon PA Farm Show: HS Rodeo4pm Announce NFL FOOTBALL ON NBC: Washington at Seattle7:30pm Announce the Easton at Allen H.S. Basketball Game on RCN4 7:00pm Johnstown Chiefs Hockey on the Internet 8pm NFL ON NBC: Jacksonville at STEELERS10:30pm BED
SUNDAY JANUARY 6: RETURN TO JOHNSTOWN 8am Leave Nazareth 12:30pm Arrive in Johnstown 1pm NFL ON FOX: NYG AT TAMPA BAY4:30pm NFL ON CBS AT SAN DIEGO8pm College Football on ESPN: TULSA VS BOWLING GREEN 10:50pm Close Rec. Hall
MONDAY JANUARY 7: 10am Wakeup Relax All Day 11am Farm Show: Maple SyrupNOON Farm Show: Grilled Veggie1pm Farm Show: Blood Orange2pm Farm Show: Eggplant3pm Farm Show: Crusted Shrimp4pm Farm Show: SUKIYAKI5pm Farm Show: Honey Extraction7pm Farm Show: Square DancingGet Folders ready for the new Term 3pm Jody Mac 8pm College Football on FOX: OSU VS LSU 10:50pm Close Rec. Hall
TUESDAY JANUARY 8 FIRST DAY OF CLASSES FOR 2008 8am Class9am Class10am Farm Show: Pony Pull11am Class2pm Class3pm Farm Show: Carriage Racing3pm Jody Mac4:30pm Farm Show: Horse Pull7:30pm HBB ON WYLN 35: Crestwood at Berwick7:30pm HBB ON RCN4: Parkland at Liberty7:30pm HBB ON 1470AM: Parkland at Liberty9:30pm HBB ON RCN4: Freedom at Emmaus10:50pm Close Rec. Hall
Songs of the day: Big Girls don't cry Chasing Cars What hurts the Most Hurt Who Says you can't go home Bad Day Home Suddenly I see Breathe 2am How to Save a Life It My Life No more Cloudy Days God Bless USA Crazy Beautiful You're Beautiful Everything Hero Irreplaceable
Another E-mail on Wednesday!
Stay Safe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
See you Wednesday!
Ladies Man!
PA House Man!
PA House returns January 14th!
Nazareth Number 1 Fan!
See you on Wednesday Everybody!
Take Care!!!!!!!
Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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