Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Wednesday September 12, 2007 Good Morning, I got a 500.00 dollar check in my mailbox on Tuesday Night! I already sent it home to my mom in the mail. I hope I put it in the right mailbox. There two of them. I put it in the one that says ''Letters''. I am such a goofball sometimes!!!!!! Goota love me though!!!! The check was for working in the Rec Hall! Can't wait for this weekend comming up, the Boss Sally and I together! More Wheelchair problems This morning when I woke up. When I woke up this morning, only 3 bars left. You never know what to expect every morning when I wake up. It don't happen every morning which don't make no sense at all. It have a mind of it's own I guess. I hope all of you remembered what Tuesday was. It was the 6th anniversity of 9-11-01. We must remember all the heroes we lossed 6 years ago Tuesday and it was a Tuesday when this occured too and this year the anniversity happened to be on a Tuesday. I remember being in Study Hall when all of it occured. How is your week going? I am doing Wonderful! Still no slingbox, don't know what the deal is with that. I miss my local programming from RCN. All my classes are going fantastic! Doing great in all 4 classes!!!!!! I wish I had like 10 classes a day but I guess I won't get that wish! Overall, this term is going great! Lots of new faces!!!!!!! Lots of new Girls which is always fun!!!!!!!! I am not liking how crowed the area by C Dorm gets. Everybody stands there forgetting there are wheelchairs trying to pass by. They been warned many times about standing there at the intersection of C Dorm. Especially after meals and late at night around 11:00pm. Very Sad News on Sunday, NFL Football Player Kevin Everett was paraylized in the Season opener on Sunday. It really puts Football in prospective and life in general, We need to enjoy everyday as best as possible even if we wake up in a bad mood, When we wake up and can see the sun shining, it is a wonderful sign!!! Feeling awful and miserable does not get you anywhere. Bills players were told to wait a few days before visiting Kevin Everett who suffered a major cervical spine injury in last Sunday's game and underwent emergency surgery over the weekend. Currently in a deeply sedated state Everett can't communicate with those who visit him in the hospital. PA HOUSE NUMBER 1 FAN! NAZARETH NUMBER 1 FAN! Another E-mail on Friday! Have a Wonderful Week! Stay Safe!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Songs of the day: Chasing Cars What hurts the Most Hurt Who Says you can't go home Bad Day Home Suddenly I see Breathe 2am How to Save a Life It My Life Nomore Cloudy Days God Bless USA Crazy Beautiful You're Beautiful The President of the Alan Davis, Gary Laubach, Keith Groller, Dream Kids Fan Clubs!!!!!!!!!!!! R.I.P. COURTNEY DIACONT GRANDMA WEAVER JAMIE LINTZ JOHN VUKOVCICH KRISTEN BENNY PARSONS DEREK KEHOE JOSH HANCOCK Joe Schneider Frank Klepeisz Mary Mutchler See you Friday! Peace out! Weave! Over and out Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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