Monday, September 03, 2007


Tuesday September 4, 2007
571, 930 was the Final Total at the Steamtown Mall for this year's Jerry Lewis Telethon! That is pretty darn good! It breaks the record from last year! It was another great year of the Jerry Lewis Telethon! I watched almost the whole 21 hours of the telethon this year here in my Dorm Room On my Big Computer! I watched it from 9:00pm to 1:24am in the morning Sunday Night into Monday Morning! Then on Monday I woked up at 8:20am and turned my computer on and watched the Telethon from 8:32am all the way to 6:30pm at night! I only missed 7 hours of the 21 hour Telethon which is pretty darn good!Yes, I even stayed awaked to 1:24am Sunday night just to watch the Telethon on my Big Computer on Newswatch 16 WNEP In Scranton! A great Job by the crew at WNEP For staying up for 21 hours to Direct and Produce the Telethon as they did an excellent job staying on the air for 21 hours straight!
I have to say, Working with kids is a very special job and fun and sometimes stressing but at the same time as it may be stressful, it still is a wonderful job! To see these kids smile, not knowing how long they have with Muscular Dystrophy Disease. There is good news from a recent study from Doctors, They are comming very close to finding a cure to this awful job which is very good news and Let's hope they can cure everybody that has Muscular Dystrophy. They don't derseve it at all, They deserve to live a normal life.
Out in Las Vegas, Jerry Lewis finished his 42ed year with this telethon on Monday and the National Total for this year came out to be 81,013,855. Jerry Lewis is a wonderful man, and to be doing this telethon for 42 years is something real special and really shows how much of a heart Jerry Lewis has!
This year's Telethon was alittle more special to me this year than other years because many of my friends were on the telethon being shown at a MDA Camp near Philadelphia earlier this summer.
First I saw 2 Friends that went to school right here at the Hiram G. Andrews Center. Anthony Lavaria was shown on a video that was on the Telethon and that was pretty neat to see my Friend Anthony. I never knew he had MDA. He graduated here back in April. Next I saw a girl that also went to school here at H.G.A. Her name is Amie. She was suppose to come back this term for classes but her district never processed her paperwork intime. That was pretty neat also to see Amie on the Telethon!
Also, Saw one of my friends from Home, Alexis Dectis who just started High School this year and can't write very well or walk but she is an excellent singer with only 50 percent of vocal skills. You couldn't tell by the way she sings. She sings like a real professional singer and she only in High School. She has a bright future ahead of her! She travels to New York once a week and sings on stage. She is a very special Girl to me and everybody. She really derserves the best! I want to congraduate her on a wonderful job singing on Monday on the Telethon!
Welcome back to the Andy Weaver E-mail Network for another exciting action packed year of Information!
Back to Back E-Mails Today Tuesday and Wednesday which means I need to be on my toes finding information to give to all of you!
I hope all of you had the most Wonderful Labor Day Weekend any of us can ask for!
I am back in Johnstown! I came back on Sunday! Left Home at 8:02am and Got back at Johnstown at 12:28pm and then went to SPECIAL OLYMPICS In the GYM From 1:48pm to 4:01pm! They were 20 minutes late because they got stuck in traffic.
I came back on Sunday rather than Monday! All because of Special Olympics! What a Loyal Fan I am!
I had a Wonderful 1 week Vacation last week even though I had a cold the whole vacation and was coughing. It was still nice to be off! Last Wednesday I went to the Pocono Downs in the Poconos to an Casinos and did not win any money on the Slot Machines but did have a great day playing and my Dad won a 50 dollar Gas Card from Sheetz at the Casinos! Before we went there, we had to stop at the State License Center to get an Picture ID And they were really nice there too, Usually people have to wait in line for hours for their turn but guess what the woman did when she saw my smile, She tooked all my information and tooked me right in for my picture instead of making me wait for hours. She tooked me infront of about 12 people who were ahead of me! She even said I have a good smile! I thought that was pretty something taking me infront of everybody else to get my picture taken!
Today is the First Day of School for Nazareth! I would like to welcome back all my High School Teachers to another school year and another year of info on my E-Mail Network!
Also, Today is the first day of the Fall Term here at the Commonwealth Technical Institute here in Johnstown!
All new classes starts today and I am super excited about this new term!
New things I am doing this term is having a notebook for every single class instead of only using one or two! It may be a lot easier to find things by having a notebook for each class!
Still don't have classes the way I would like.
My Wish is to have classes from 8:00am all the way to 4:00pm with no breaks!
I only have 1 Afternoon class this whole term which is at 1:00pm. Other than that, I don't have no Afternoon classes, All are Morning Places.
Here is my schedule for this term:Mondays: 8:05am to 8:59am Fundamentals of Sales10:10am to 11:06am Advanced Accounting 1:00pm to 1:53pm Business Management2:00pm to 3:00pm PT Therapy
Tuesdays: 8:05am to 8:59am Automated Accounting10:06am to 11:06am Personal Income Tax Class11:06am to Noon Advanced Accounting LAB2:00pm to 3:00pm PT Therapy
Wednesdays: 8:05am to 8:59am Fundamentals of Sales10:10am to 11:06am Advanced Accounting1:00pm to 1:53pm Business Management2:00pm to 3:00pm OT Therapy
Thursdays: 8:05am to 8:59am Automated Accounting10:06am to 11:06am Personal Income Tax11:06am to Noon Advanced Accounting LAB1:00pm to 1:53pm Business Management2:00pm to 3:00pm PT Therapy
Fridays: 8:05am to 8:59am Fundamentals of Sales10:10am to 11:06am Advanced Accounting1:00pm to 1:53pm Automated Accounting3:03pm to 3:56pm Personal Income Tax
As Soon as I came in to the Building on Sunday, I began coughing. I think it has something to do with the Air Quality in this building.
Here is my schedule for this week:Tuesday:8am Class10am Class3pm Jody Mac6pm Football Practice8pm Glen Mac10:45pm Close Rec Hall
Wednesday:8am Class10am Class1pm Class3pm Jody Mac6pm Football Practice8pm Glen Mac10:45pm Close Rec Hall
Thursday:8am Class10am Class11am LAB1pm Class3pm Jody Mac5pm Trip to Make Smores10:45pm Close Rec Hall
Friday:8am Class10am Class1pm Class3pm LAB4pm Jody Mac6pm Football Practice7pm FOOTBALL ON PCN ON TV And Football on RCN On Big Computer10:45pm Close Rec Hall11pm Watch the BIG Ticket on Big Computer
Saturday:10am Listen to 69 Radio ShowNoon Jody Mac1pm Glen Mac1pm Laffayette Football on Computer
Another E-mail on Wednesday!
Have a Wonderful Week!
Stay Safe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Songs of the day: Chasing Cars What hurts the Most Hurt Who Says you can't go home Bad Day Home Suddenly I see Breathe 2am How to Save a Life It My Life Nomore Cloudy Days God Bless USACrazy Beautiful You're Beautiful
The President of the Alan Davis, Gary Laubach, Keith Groller, Dream Kids Fan Clubs!!!!!!!!!!!!
See you Tomorrow Wednesday!
Peace out!
Over and out Tomorrow Wednesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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