Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Wednesday July 11, 2007!
It is extremely Hot out there! A Soaker! I hope you are staying cool and have Air Conditing! It nice and Cool here in my Dorm Room! I have it down to 70 Degrees. Nice and Comfortable here in my room, especially when It is hot outside! I love the Summer but the Heat is not my thing. My Body does not do well when it is 90 Degrees Out. I can handle 80 degrees but not 90.
We Have A Trip Tonight Wednesday! Swimming!!!!!!!!!! We are going downtown to a Swimming Pool at the Winber Pool with my Boss Sally White and then most likely Ice Cream on the Way Back!!!!! I Never went Swimming before! I am alittle nervious. My attendent or my Boss Sally White will have to stay with me! One of them needs to so I don't Go Under by Accident. A Full Swimming Report on Friday!
Breakfast with my Baseball Buddies over at the Little League Fields Tuesday as they had a 9:00am Practice Tuesday Morning! That was neat having a early Morning Practice! They are practing for the Tournament that starts on the 20th of July, Next Friday when there will be Doubleheaders every night for 10 days! They want me in the Dugout for all of them starting Next Friday July 20th! That not too far away. Only 9 Days away from right now!
I Made them a very nice THANK YOU CARD Here on my LAPTOP COMPUTER On Tuesday Morning and gave it to them Tuesday Morning too and they were very impressed and it really made them feel good!!!!!!!!!!
They truly deserved that card too, because they really did a lot for me this year and I wouldn't feel right not Thanking them for all they did!!!!!!
I am a very nice and pleasent person who Truly thinks about other people nomatter who they are boy or girl!
We now have a Budget As of 11:15pm Monday Night when Governor Ed Rendell came on PCN For his speech! I did not miss any of what went on last week into this week in Harrisburg! I am their Number 1 Watcher in Harrisburg and probably the only one who watches that stuff, the State Legilsature! How many people do you know actually watch the State House nonstop like I do?!????!! Not too many.. I am Dedicated!
No Major League Baseball this week as this is All Star Week and on Tuesday Night there was the 2007 All Star Game in San Franscisco on Fox! I watched it and it was a fun game to watch!
Thursday at 12:45pm I go to the Foot Doctor! Hopefully they have the referral this time. Last Time I went they forgot a paper and told me they couldn't see me. I hope to be back at 3pm for my 3:00 class. It all depends on Transportation. Sometimes it takes longer to wait for Transportation than with the Doctor.
My Parents been in Atlantic City This week! I hope they are comming home with LOTS AND LOTS of Money from winning in Casinos!
My Schedule for the rest of this week:
Wednesday: 11am Class 2pm Class 5:15pm Swimming at Windber Pool
Thursday: 11am Class 12:45pm Doctor Appointment 3pm Hopefully be back for Class 6pm Girls Softball Watch the PA HOUSE
Friday: 10am Class 11am Class 2pm Class 3pm Work in Rec Hall with Sally White 6pm Girls Softball Watch the PA HOUSE
Saturday: Work in the Rec Hall with Sally White Relax all day Baseball or Softball TBA Watch the PA HOUSE
Sunday: Work in the Rec Hall with Sally White Relax all day Watch the PA HOUSE
Songs of the day: Chasing Cars What hurts the Most Hurt Who Says you can't go home Bad Day Suddenly I see Breathe 2am How to Save a Life It My Life Nomore Cloudy Days God Bless USA Crazy Beautiful You're Beautiful
PA House Number 1 Fan!
Nazareth High School Number 1 Fan!
The President of the Alan Davis, Gary Laubach, Keith Groller, Dream Kids Fan Clubs!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am Doing Wonderful!
All my Classes are going Wonderful this term!
All 4 of them!
I still wish I would have more!
4 is not enough for me.
I am not happy when I am not in the Classroom learning!!!!!!
Tuesdays I don't have no classes at all.
I HATE TUESDAYS Because I don't have any classes at all.
Even though we now have a Budget, the PA House is still not over yet for the summer as they still have a lot of work to do before they do finally go home for the Summer.
The PA HOUSE Will be in session on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday!
As of now, Sunday will be the last day for the PA HOUSE.
Stay Tuned for more updates.
Another E-Mail on Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Take Care until Friday!
Over and Out until Friday!

HERE IS AN AMAZING STORY That happen to one of my Attendent's Son on Friday Night. Kim Guitilla's Son
What started out as a quiet Friday evening turned into much more for 16-year-old Ronald Havyer. The Woodvale-area resident assisted in the rescue of a man and woman who fell down a hillside along an overgrown walking trail near his home. According to Johnstown Fire Department Assistant Chief Chris Selfridge, the couple were walking from Prospect about 10 p.m. when they become lost, slid down the embankment and were unable to climb out. Havyer said he was getting out of the shower when he heard on the scanner that the fire department was having trouble finding the couple. “I know the trail well and knew (the firefighters) would not be able to find them because of all the debris in the way,” he said. “So I ran to the people and could hear them screaming.”Havyer said he tried to pull the couple out by hanging onto a tree, but he was unable to reach them and was unsure of his footing. He called 911 and told the operator where he was and how to get there. Eventually, firefighters arrived at the scene and performed a high-angle rope rescue, lifting the couple 60 feet to safety. Johnstown police also assisted.The man and woman, whose names were not released, were not hurt and did not require medical attention. “They are definitely lucky,” Havyer said. “I stayed there from 10 p.m. to about 1 a.m. and held the flashlight for the firefighters.” Havyer said the firefighters told him they appreciated his assistance. “If he wouldn’t have been here, I’m not sure how long it would have taken for the people to be found,” said Havyer’s mother, Kim Gutilla. “I’m so proud of him. I’ve been bragging about him at work all day.”“My reward is knowing I helped two people to safety,” Havyer said.
F.Y.I. Kim is a great Attendent to me and is a real caring person who cares about everybody and goes out of her way and really helps out. I really am Fortunate to have such a caring person like Kim as an Attendent! Kim is truly the Best and all her co-workers are Wonderful too!

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