Friday, July 13, 2007


Friday the 13th The PA HOUSE Is still in session!! They will be in session all weekend long and I will be watching every minute! As of right now, Sunday is the Last Day before they go on Summer Recess. I backed out of Swimming Last Night. I wanted to go to the Girl Softball Game and see my favorite Umpire Emily to find out the Upcomming Schedule. I am trying desperately to make this a perfect year so I won't be so depressed in August when the year is over. My Boss Sally White really misses me on trips. I promise her that starting in August I will go on every trip we have! Starting in August! I promise her! I went to the Foot Doctor on Friday and that went well! They trimmed my toe nails. It tooked longer to wait for Security than it did with the Doctor. Classes are going Wonderful and am Enjoying all 4 of my Classes Alot and working in my books everyday and type up notes on my computer!!!!!!!!!! Today at 1pm I get me in a presenation with my Counselor Becky Marshall! I am very excited about being in this Presenation and I am very happy she picked me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First 2 weeks ago, Brenda Fockler the dorm counselor asked me and then today, 2 weeks later I get to be in another one!!!!!! I am alittle upset about what will happen on Saturday. Please read this website: If this really happen, I guess I won't need my 2nd Computer here in my room anymore. The only thing I use my 2nd computer for here in my room is listen to the radio on it I listen to Jody Mcdonald and Glen Mac and some other things. I will be extremely upset if they take this away on Saturday. A bill in the United States House and Senate in Washinghton D.C. How was your week? What are you doing all weekend? Stay Cool this weekend! It suppose to be warm! Thursday I had a 9:00am in the morning practice! I tooked my bagel and orange juice over to the fields and ate Breakfast in the Dugout!!!!!! That was pretty neat! Another 9:00am practice Saturday! I have 2 games tonight at 6pm and 8pm then be right back over there for a 9:00am practice Saturday Morning! The Johnstown Ambulance Company is going to get tired of our school. They had to come for students 2 times on Wednesday and again last night. I am working with my boss Sally White all weekend! I am excited to work with her all weekend! Here is my weekend schedule: Friday: 10am Class 11am Class 1pm Presenation with Becky Marshall 2pm Class 3pm Work in Rec Hall with Sally White 6pm Girls Softball W 8pm Baseball 10:30pm Close Rec Hall with Sally Watch the PA HOUSE Saturday: 9am Baseball Practice Work in the Rec Hall with Sally White Relax all day Baseball or Softball TBA Watch the PA HOUSE Sunday: Work in the Rec Hall with Sally White Relax all day Watch the PA HOUSE Songs of the day: Chasing Cars What hurts the Most Hurt Who Says you can't go home Bad Day Suddenly I see Breathe 2am How to Save a Life It My Life Nomore Cloudy Days God Bless USA Crazy Beautiful You're Beautiful PA House Number 1 Fan! I miss the Special Olympics on Sundays. My SUNDAYS Are not the Same without the Olympics! I never miss a minute of the PA House!!!!!! A Full Little League Baseball Report on Monday!!!!!!! R.I.P. COURTNEY DIACONT GRANDMA WEAVER JAMIE LINTZ JOHN VUKOVCICH KRISTEN BENNY PARSONS DEREK KEHOE JOSH HANCOCK Joe Schneider Frank Klepeisz Mary Mutchler Another E-Mail on Monday!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take Care until Monday! Over and Out until Monday! OFF TO WATCH THE PA HOUSE ALL WEEKEND AS THEY WRAP UP THEIR YEAR ON SUNDAY FOR THE SUMMER!

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