Friday, June 15, 2007


Friday June 15,2007,

This has been another exciting and busy week!

Last Day of Regular Season Baseball on Saturday and the last day in the Dugout.

After the 5:30pm game on Saturday there is a PIZZA Party to mark the end of the Season!

I hope you all like this new format!!!! It is easier to read what I have to talk about!!!!!

Now, I have a pet Seagull in my Room!

A stuff one. If it was real, I would be dead from a stroke. lol lol

My Number 1 Dorm Counselor Brenda Fockler was on vacation in Ocean City Maryland and got me a pet Seagull!!!!!!! Lol Lol

She is a great Lady!!!

I want to thank Brenda for that funny present!!!!!!

As you all know, I hate seagulls and everytime i see one I freak out.

I really have to wear my Umpire Shirt every night

The other night I forgot and Emily the Umpire was alittle mad about it so i came back to get my shirt and went back over again.

We had to cancel the Drag Race for Saturday because the new Omini Bus have not arrived from Harrisburg.

They said 2 weeks ago they said the new bus was on it's way and it still not here.

Us Wheelchair kids keep getting messed up while the Walkers can go on all these trips. It not fair for the Wheelchair people. There have been many trips the last few weeks that the Wheelchair people have not been able to go on because nobody want to go get the new bus in Harrisburg. I don't know what taking so long. We pay for these trips and then they tell us only WALKERS can go.

It not fair to people in Wheelchairs.

I wasn't going to the Drag Racing on Saturday anyway.

It would bother me missing the last day of the Regular Season For Baseball

Escepally this year with everything they have done for me and letting me in their Dugout.

I can't let them down now.

When Baseball is over I will start going on Trips everynight again!!!!!!!

Until then, I am boycotting all trips.

I had to lay in bed all morning on Thursday because the wheelchair man was fixing up my Wheelchair.

I asked for a rental one until he was done and he said NO in a very mean way.

There was no reason why he couldn't give me another wheelchair so I didn't have to sit in bed all morning.

Excuse my Language but that is a bunch of BULLCRAP.

How hard is it to let somebody use a temporary wheelchair until their chair is done being fixed???????????

It totally nonsense.

All my buddies at RCN TV are in Altoona this weekend announcing the High School Baseball Finals!!!!!!!

I will be watching on PCN Saturday Night!!!!!!!!

What are you doing all weekend?

I will be at Baseball All Weekend!

How are you? Are you staying cool? It is a Hot and Warm Summer already and it not even Summer!!! June 21st is Summer! June 21st is also Fun in the Sun here at H.G.A.

How is your Week?

I am Doing Wonderful!

All my classes are going great and enjoy them!

My Weekend Schedule:

5:45pm Baseball Game in the Dugout

10am Softball Game
1pm Baseball Game
3pm Baseball Game in the Dugout
5:30pm Baseball Game in the Dugout




Songs of the day:
Chasing Cars
What hurts the Most
Who Says you can't go home
Bad Day
Suddenly I see
Breathe 2am
How to Save a Life
It My Life
Nomore Cloudy Days
God Bless USA
You're Beautiful

PA House Number 1 Fan!

They have a busy Month!

They are in session every week this month!

They are done for this week.

They return at 1:00pm on Monday!!!!!!

They are in session on these Following Dates:
June 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, and 30

I never miss a minute of the PA House!!!!!!

A Full Little League Baseball Report on Monday!!!!!!!

Another E-Mail on Monday!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Take Care until Monday!

Over and Out until Monday!


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