Wednesday, October 25, 2006


I stayed awaked to 12:30am in the morning watching the PA House!!!!!! They were on from 4:30pm to 12:30pm! A long night last night!!!!!!! I did not miss a minute of it! Now we are finished until November 13th!!!!!! November 13th is the next session day! I relaxed here in my room all night and watch the PA House!!!! Gambling Bill and Children's Insurance Plan There is a big thing in the newspapers today about the PA HOUSE! The senate did a very bad thing on Monday night. I did not go to the Holloween Parade last night. Way too cold!!!!!! I heard it was very cold and people left in the middle. It is on TV On Sunday at 1:00pm I won't be able to watch it though. I will be at Special Olympics!!! I am still coughing. It going away alittle. I got medicine last night! My Attendent went and got me some at the Dollar Store! My Grandma is still in the hospital. She is having surgery today. They are putting a stent in her heart. Let's hope she recovers very soon 92 years old is very old. I know I will never make it to 92!!!!! lol Another weekend comming up here in Johnstown! I will be the only person that my attendents will have this weekend! Almost every weekend anymore. I don't know why people don't stay atlease 1 weekend a month. It takes the fun out of college going home so much. H DORM Holloween Party is Tomorrow Thursday at 4:00pm! Yes, you did not hear me wrong yesterday I am dressing up as a baby Don't Laugh either!!!!!!! lol No I am not taking any pictures I know people want to see this very bad but i am not planning to use my camera This is a one time thing It was my attendents idea and I am just going with the flow! They get a kick out of it and that what matters!!!!!!!!!! I am being a true sport going along with this ONLY H DORM STUDENTS WILL SEE IT. I am not wearing that to the Rec Hall on Monday night for the dance Not wearing that infront of the whole school. I will go to the dance on monday as my normalself! Classes are going great! Only 1 class today!!!!!!!!!!! My 3:00pm class is canceled today We have a towne meeting at 3:00pm in the CAFE! Tomorrow my 3:00 class is canceled too due to a faculity meeting 2 straight days of classes being canceled. I am not too happy about that. I love going to classes! My wheelchair is working really good. The bars never went down at all yesterday on it. Probably because all I did was sit in my room all night watching the House! Football Picks on Friday! Movies of the week on Friday! Songs of the Day: Walk Away God Bless USA Bless The Broken Road You're Beautiful Bad Day Beatiful Have A Nice Day Who Says You Can't Go Home Another e-mail on Friday! GO JOHNSTOWN! GO NAZARETH! GO EAGLES! GO KEITH GROLLER'S ST. LOUIS CARDNALS!!!!!! THEY MIGHT ACTUALLY DO IT!!!!!!! THEY ONLY NEED 2 MORE WINS!!!!!!!!!! LAST HOME GAME FOR NAZARETH THIS FRIDAY AND THEY HAVE A DANCE AFTER THE GAME!!!!!!! I saw that on the school board agenda!!!!!! I read the agenda every week! I also read All the newspapers websites and CNN.COM To read all the news!!!!!!!!! In Texas a High School Football Coach suspened seniors football players because they gave blood. How awful is that? It not fair. That coach should be fired!!!!!!!! Johnstown Special Olympics Number 1 Fan!!!!!!! DANCE MAN! LADIES MAN!!!!!!!!!! Prom on November 16th!!!!!!!!! I will have to start to find a pretty Girl to go with! We do have a bunch of them around this place!!!!!!!!! I never get mail in my mailbox. I never got my check that my dad sent me 3 weeks ago. I hope nobody is taking my mail by mistake. Somebody please send me something so I know nobody is taking my mail Here is my address: 727 GOUCHER STREET JOHNSTOWN PA 15905 P.O. BOX 249 PA HOUSE MAN! NAZARETH NUMBER 1 FAN!!!!!!!!! ONLY 54 MORE DAYS OF COLLEGE. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT I AM HOPING THAT 54 WILL GO UP TO 400 WITH GOOD NEWS WITH ACCOUNTING! STILL NO NEWS ON ASB ACCOUNTING. WE ARE WAITING FOR PEOPLE IN ALLENTOWN TO MAKE UP THEIR MIND THEY ARE THE ONES WITH THE MONEY. ALL MY HIGH SCHOOL FRIENDS GO TO COLLEGE FOR 4 YEARS. I ONLY BEEN HERE FOR 1 YEAR AND A HALF. IT WOULDN'T KILL ME IF I HAVE TO STAY FOR 2 MORE YEARS. I WANT TO PROVE PEOPLE THAT I CAN REALLY DO WELL IN ACCOUNTING!!!!! PEOPLE SAY I WILL FAIL IN THAT I HATE WHEN PEOPLE SAY THAT THEY ARE WRONG!!!!!!! IT LIKE WHEN THIS ONE BLACK WOMAN TOLD MY PARENTS I WOULD NEVER MAKE IT IN MIDDLE SCHOOL AND HIGH SCHOOL IN A NORMAL SCHOOL WITH NORMAL KIDS BUT LOOK AT ME NOW....................... I MADE IT ALL THE WAY TO COLLEGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I PROVED THAT BLACK WOMAN TOTALLY WRONG!!!!!!! NEVER SAY NEVER!!!!!!!! ANYBODY CAN DO ANYTHING WHEN THEY PUT THEIR MINDS TO IT!!! WEAVE!!!!!!!!! SEE YOU FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KEEP IT REAL AND ALIVE EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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