Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Tuesday was a very long day for the PA HOUSE!
The PA House was on from 10:00am to 5:00pm!
7 Hours of the PA House on Tuesday!
They were talking about Crime.
7 hours of Crime.
That is what they will be talking about today Wednesday!!!!
They return today Wednesday at 10:00am!
I will be watching them!!!!!!
I never miss the PA House!
The only time I miss it is when I have a class.
Other than that I do not miss a minute!!!!!
I really enjoy going to the GYM Every Sunday from 1PM TO 3PM To watch the Special Olympics!
They are fun to watch!!!!!
I will be there this Sunday too!
Movies of the week on Friday!!!!!
Songs of the Day: God Bless Amercia Bless the Broken Road Incomplete Listen to Your Heart You're Beautiful Bad Day Have A Nice Day Who says You Can't Go Home
More Songs on Friday!!!!!!
Saturday night I am going to the Somerset at Johnstown High School Football Game!
It's Johnstown's 100th Game!!!!!!!!
I really hope that this man who is taking us don't say Wheelchairs can't go because of too many Walkers.
We have 2 wheelchairs and 15 Walkers all in one bus.
It only 2 people working on Saturday and 1 person needs to stay here at the Center.
Because of that We can only take 1 bus.
It will be intresting to see how he will take 2 wheelchairs and 15 walkers all in 1 bus.
I would be very upset if I hear Wheelchairs can't go because of too many Walkers.
I will be at the Easton at Nazareth Football Game next Friday October 5th!
I will be home for that long 3 day holiday weekend!
I will come back that Monday Morning at 8:00am!
Can this be true?
Can the Phillies actually finally make the playoffs this year!!!!!!
The last 3 years they have always fell apart in the last week of the season.
Let's Hope they don't do that this year.
No snakes lately.
I heard the school found that snake in a room the other day and it was a dead.
Why would anybody bring a snake in a school is what I want to know.
Some Strange people anymore.
Just mever know what we might see anymore.
I really can't believe somebody was so stupid to bring a motorcycle into a school.
How can a motorcycle get in a school.
That is really goofy.
I really miss my friend Jess Abreu
She was in my class and was a great friend
I can't believe her dad discharged her on Sunday.
That nonsense if you want my opinion.
There was no reason for him to walk into the Cafeteria and start a fight with His Daughter's Boyfriend infront of the Whole Student Body.
What was that dad thinking about?
He embarassed himself.
That was scary to watch.
I was scared and I think alot of kids were scared to see what that Dad Could of Done.
Who knows.
Jess and her Boyfriend were helpers at the Special Olympics every Sunday in the Gym.
That Fight happened right before the Special Olympics people came to the School.
Jess and her boyfriend were missing at the Special Olympics.
They were all shocked too about what happened.
I think it was a race thing.
It don't matter what color people are.
Friends are Friends nomatter what color they are.
That redicious that some people make a big issue on what color we are.
I Can honestly write a book about all the DRAMA HERE AT the Hiram G Andrews Center.
It really amazing how much stuff goes on here.
Mostly at night and on the Weekends.
A Movie can be made here.
How is everybody!
How is your week?
I am doing great!
Things are going Wonderful!
Having a GREAT Time!
All my Classes are going great!
I forgot to tell everybody last month.
I got a 95 on my Recordkeeping 2 Final Last Term!!
I don't think I said anything during my Term Break.
I love working with Numbers!
I am hoping I can take ASB Accounting in January here at the Hiram G Andrews Center.
Complete General Office Clerk on December 21st and then come back here on January 7th in a whole different Program ASB Accounting!
My counselor is waiting on hearing from my teachers before sending my request to my District Counselor in Allentown!
I hope it don't take too long. We can't wait too long because We do want to make this happen for January and if we wait too long we won't make January.
I am not a dumb person. I know how things take time.
That why I am asking my counselor mrs marshall everyday what the latest is. January is comming fast and the school has to fill up rooms very soon for the Winter Term!
It will most likely be August when I am Outta here into the new world.
I have 10 classes about to take in ASB Accounting and I don't see taking 10 classes all in 1 term.
It will most likely be 2 terms.
I am already thinking of how I will be on the Dream Come True Telethon in December
We can't have a telethon without me.
I been om 15 years in a row!
Gary Labach and Chris Popik might have to come to my house over Thanksgiving like they did last year or have me go to the Studio
Football Picks on Friday!
Forgot to have my Football picks last week because of The Nazareth Strike had me thinking and had my whole attention on that.
I am so glad we did not go on strike!
That would of been awful.
I Been watching TV Much more lately than Being Around Girls!
There must be something wrong with me.
TV Over Girls
I been watching Shows on that CW Network that just started last week:
7TH HavenGilmore GirlsAmercia Next Top ModelRunawaySmallville
Some other ones too.
Have a Great Wednesday and Thursday!
Another e-mail on Friday!!!!
More News on Friday!
DANCE MAN!!!!!!!!
Nazareth Number 1 Fan!
Ladies Man!!!!!!!
See you on Friday On the Andy Weaver e-mail Network!!!!!!!!!
Take Care!
See you Friday!!!!!!!
God Bless the USA!!!!!!!!
Over and Out!

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